Cherche la petite bête

Cherche la petite bête (literally "look for the little beast", but also an expression like "nit-picking") is a beautiful book from the naïve imprint by Delphine Chedru. Each page has a pattern with a hidden little beast. Pictured here: a peacock, a papa sea urchin (his son is so tiny he doesn't show up in the image here) and a pair of soccer-playing earthworms.

This book is for children 3 and up. It's a nice way to practice French at home. The French is quite simple, although there is a little word play throughout the book.

There is a translation available, called Spot it!. If you're outside of France (and Quebec), you can find a French copy at smallable. Their description of the book is quite fantastic: She creates an interplay of illusions that stimulates young readers, almost like a highly amusing game of hide-and-seek. And the game can go on forever, thanks to a spectacular finale... Hmmm, is this copywriter available?

Naïve, a new favourite imprint! Their books are beautifully designed. We will profile another of their books soon. (They also release music, including CDs by Carla Bruni.)

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